Friday, March 8, 2019
References for Assessment in Special Education Essay
Bendak, L. (2011). The role of individual tuitional plans in helping bicycle 1 scholars with dyslexia to become better readers. Middle East Journal of Family Medicine Nov2011, Vol. 9 Issue 9, p42-47, 6p. Retrieved January 18,2013 from http//0-web. ebscohost. com. lib1000. dlsu. edu. ph/ehost/ spot? sid=16696efa-2beb-42868b5ec73dca138979%40sessionmgr12&vid=1&hid=11&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ %3d%3d Abstract The purpose of this study is to highlight the importance and role of angiotensin converting enzyme-on-one studyal Plans (IEP) in helping students with Dyslexia, ages six to nine at cycle one of their elementary command.This study emphasizes the need for exceptional education de circumstancesments in trains where particular(prenominal) education instructors put up enhance the educational development of students with Dyslexia by dint of the IEPs that identify the individual points of strength and weakness of the student with Dyslexia. The results of this study showed that the energy of the IEP on the development of the drill take varied dep final result on the sign train of difficulty of the student. 2 Burns M. K. , Jacob S. , Wagner A. R.(2007) Ethical and legal issues associated with using rejoinder-to-intervention to mensurate learning disabilities. Journal of School Psychology 46 (2008) 263279. Retrieved January 18, 2013 from http//faculty. winthrop. edu/armisteadl/SchoolPsychologyResources/attachments/Burnsi_ M_K__Ethical_a. pdf Abstract The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 al get-gos shoals to subroutine a childs response to investigate-based intervention (RTI) as a part of procedures to identify students with learning disabilities.This base holds whether RTI-based sound judgement puzzles meet ethical and legal standards for acceptable judicial decision practices. ground on a review of available re hunting, it was concluded that RTI based opinion practices, when carefully crafted and put th roughed, have the potential to be multifaceted, fair, valid, and useful.Threats to acceptable RTI-based legal opinion practices involve the lack of research-based interventions appropriate for diverse academic domains, ethnic groups, chassiss K12, and students with limited position proficiency uncertainty regarding how to determine when nonresponse to intervention warrants formal referral for evaluation of modified education eligibility difficulty translating scientifically sound RTI practices to the local school level and inadequate cater training and poor treatment fidelity. Suggested directions for future research are included.3 Capizzi, A. M. (2008) From assessment to annual goal. Teaching surpassing Children Sep/Oct2008, Vol. 41 Issue 1, p18-25, 8p. Retrieved January 19, 2012 from http//0-web. ebscohost. com. lib1000. dlsu. edu. ph/ehost/detail? sid=66b5e959-686e-482bb3e7ead5ad631980%40sessionmgr11&vid=1&hid=11&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ %3d%3d Abstract The article dis cusses the serve up of writing individualized education plans (IEPs) for finical needs students and the decision making process that is involved to find and implement meaningful teaching methods and activities.It is noted that present levels of academic achievement and structural performance (PLAAFP) and other evaluation data must be utilise in the IEP plan. The impact that the U. S. Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) has on IEPs demonstrates that the measurement of academic feeler is a central goal of any IEP. 4 Dunn, Michael W. (2007) Diagnosing reading constipation Reading recovery as a component of a response-to-intervention assessment method. Learning DisabilitiesA Contemporary Journal, v5 n2 p31-47 2007. Retrieved January 18, 2013 from http//www.eric. ed. gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini. jsp? _nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSe arch_SearchValue_0=EJ797663&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=EJ79766 3 Abstract There is growing evidence that the current method of identifying students with a learning disability (LD) is ineffective. The wait-to-fail model of assessing students after second/third grade as well as conceptual problems in using knowledge tests for identification result in students not receiving the assistance they need during the earlyelementary school years.The educational community is discussing response to intervention (RTI) as an alternative assessment method. This study explored the assessment components of the Reading Recovery (RR) program as part of a future RTI model. By means of a discriminant-function analysis, a retro study of thirdthrough fifth-grade students who participated in RR during first grade investigated assessment elements (beginning text level, ending text level, and number of weeks participation in RR) of this program.The results showed that RR assessment elements were significant predictors of first-grade students who were later(prenominal) identified as having a reading disability. Ending text level was consistent ly the largest predictor of students later classified as having a reading disability or not. (Contains 4 tables. ) 5 Dykeman, Bruce F. (2006) Alternative strategies in assessing special education needs. Education, v127 n2 p265-273 Win 2006. Retrieved January 18, 2013 from http//www. eric. ed. gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini.jsp? _nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSe arch_SearchValue_0=EJ765825&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=EJ76582 5. Abstract The conventional use of standardized test within a discrepancy analysis model is reviewed. The Response-to-Intervention (RTI) process is explained, along with descriptions of assessment procedures within RTI working(a) assessment, authentic assessment, curriculum-based measurement, and play-based assessment. psychometric issues relevant to RTI and standardized testing are discussed. 6 Dykeman, Bruce F.(2009) Response to Intervention The utilitarian Assessment of Children Returning to School with Traumatic Brain scathe. Education, v130 n2 p295-30 0 Win 2009. Retrieved January 18, 2013 from http//www. eric. ed. gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini. jsp? _nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSe arch_SearchValue_0=EJ871665&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=EJ87166 5 Abstract Children with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) face many demands when completing their rehabilitation and returning to school. Although the prognosis can be favorable for many children, the course of recovery poses unique challenges for children and staff alike.To this end, a functional assessment of TBI children within a Response-to-Intervention (RTI) model provides a comprehensive strategy of easing transition to the school and charting progress throughout the course of recovery. Literature is reviewed and applicability to the RTI model is discussed. 7 Fabiano, G. A. et. al. (2010) Enhancing the effectiveness of special education programming for children with attention deficit hyperactivity distemper using a casual report card. School Psychology Review 2010, Vol.39 Issue 2, p219-239, 21p. Retrieved January 19, 2013 from http//0web. ebscohost. com. lib1000. dlsu. edu. ph/ehost/detail?sid=639450fe-4a86-49fa-858914d34d130ecc%40sessionmgr4&vid=1&hid=11&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ% 3d%3d. Abstract Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( minimal brain dysfunction) make up a considerable proportion of students who receive special education services in schools. The present study aimed to enhance the outcomes of students with minimal brain damage in special education settings by using a day-by-day report card (DRC).Thirty-three children with ADHD in special education placements were randomly assigned to an intervention qualify wherein sortal consultants worked with the teacher and produce to construct and implement a DRC based on the childs individualized education plan goals and objectives. These children were compared to 30 children in a strain as usual control condition. Results indicated positive effects of the DRC on observations of schoolroom functioning, individualized education plan goal attainment, and teacher ratings of academic productiveness and disruptive behavior in the classroom.Further, a greater percentage of children with ADHD in the DRC group were normalized on measures of disruptive behavior and impairment. The intervention did not result in incremental improvement in academic achievement, teacher ratings of ADHD symptoms or impairment, or the student-teacher relationship. The implications of these results for working with children with ADHD in special education settings are discussed. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR 8 Grigorenko E. L. (2010). Dynamic assessment and response to intervention 2 sides of one coin.Journal of Learning Disability 42 2 111-132. Retrieved January 18, 2013 from http//ldx. sagepub. com/content/42/2/111. full. pdf+html Abstract This article compares and contrasts the main features of dynamic testing and assessment (DT/A) and response to intervention (RTI). The comparison is carried out along the side by side(p) lines (a) historical and empirical roots of both concepts, (b) premises underlying DT/A and RTI, (c) terms used in these concepts, (d) use of these concepts, (e) evidence in attendant of DT/A and RTI, and (f) expectations associated with each of the concepts.The main outcome of this comparison is a final result that both greetes belong to one family of methodologies in psychology and education whose name feature is in blending assessment and intervention in one holistic activity. Because DT/A has been around much longer than RTI, it makes sense for the proponents of RTI to consider both the accomplishments and frustrations that have accumulated in the field of DT/A. 9 Haydon T. (2012). Using functional behavior assessment to match task difficulty for a fifth grade student A case study.Education Treatment of Children, 35 3, 459-476 Abstract We used an AB design with a control condition to examine the effects of an academic strategy on a student wit h a learning disability during a 5th grade math class. During baseline the student had high rates of disruptive behavior, low percentages of intervals of on-task behavior, and low percentages of correct responses. An antecedent-based intervention was developed to target the students escape-maintained behavior during independent seatwork.The intervention consisted of matching task difficulty with the students level of performance based on his success in a special education preference room. During intervention the targeted student demonstrated press down rates of disruptive behavior, higher levels of on-task behavior, and higher percentages of correct responses. The students positive results were compared to his performance in a special education resource room. A discussion on study limitations, implications, and future research directions is included. 10 provide L.(2007). Functional Assessment-Based Intervention for Selective Mutism. Behavioral Disorders Feb2007, Vol. 32 Issue 2, p94-108, 15p. Retrieved January 19, 2013 from http//0-web. ebscohost. com. lib1000. dlsu. edu. ph/ehost/detail? sid=652066c08587-4865-a2d7fd85e2d7e7c5%40sessionmgr11&vid=1&hid=11&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ %3d%3d Abstract The process of functional assessment has emerged as an essential component for intervention development. Applications crossways divergent types of problem behavior, however, remain limited.This study evaluated the applicability of this promising approach to students with selective mutism. Two middle school students served as participants. The functional assessment included indirect and direct methods as well as a specially designed student interview that did not require speech. severalize interventions were developed and experimentally evaluated. Results indicated that the assessment-based interventions effectively increased speaking in school contexts. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR 11.Lynch, S. & Adams, P. (2008) Developing Standards-Based Individualized Education Pro gram Objectives for Students With Significant Needs. Teaching Exceptional Children Jan/Feb2008, Vol. 40 Issue 3, p36-39, 4p. Retrieved January 19, 2013 from http//0-web. ebscohost. com. lib1000. dlsu. edu. ph/ehost/detail? sid=ca2e5664-4ebc-4a20800f8331f3bca0c6%40sessionmgr4&vid=1&hid=11&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ% 3d%3d.
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